Ko te hauora o tō tātou hāpori tō tātou rawa nui

- The health of our people is our most important asset

the home
of health


Your Health Hub

Conveniently located in Northcote’s Akoranga Drive, Northmed gathers the best of NZ’s medical in one easily accessible location. For your health and wellbeing needs, from dental to surgical, imaging and pharmaceutical to urgent care and optical. Northmed is the specialist centre of North Auckland and beyond.


— Northmed Spotlight —

Northmed Dental

You will find a friendly team with the latest gadgets and cutting edge knowledge and skills. Our purpose built facility is equipped to cover all aspects of general dentistry, cosmetics, minor oral surgery and orthodontics.


Eye Institute

Eye Institute are extremely fortunate to house 15 world class surgeons in our state of the art, purpose built facility. Our surgeons are invited to present on the latest techniques and advancements in ophthalmic treatment at events not only around New Zealand, but around the world.


The Lab Clinic

The Lab Clinic is home to a highly specialised team of appearance medicine experts who can assist with a wide range of treatments to help you look and feel your best.



Beans n Bites Cafe

Open 7 days a week for convenience and deliciousness.

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